Refactoring to the Single Responsibility Principle

In this post we are going to show a simple example of refactoring code to better adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP).

The Setup

Let's say we are building an application where one of the features is to process tweets of a specific user. We could write a class called MyService and put a ProcessTweets method in it, like so:

public class MyService
    public void ProcessTweets(User user)
        var twitterService = new TwitterService();
        var tweets = twitterService.GetTweets(user);

        // do something with tweets

Where TwitterService is a placeholder and can be, for example, a .NET port of the Twitter API. Everything works as expected.

Version Two

Now suppose that we want to implement some kind of caching. In the code above, the TwitterService.GetTweets method always gets called. What we want to happen is to find a way to store the tweets of a User the first time they are retrieved, so that next time, the data will be fetched from this cache rather than calling TwitterService.GetTweets again.

One way to implement a cache is to use a static Dictionary:

public class MyService
    private static Dictionary<User, List<Tweet>> tweetsDictionary = new Dictionary<User, List<Tweet>>();

    public void ProcessTweets(User user)
        List<Tweet> tweets = null;

        if (tweetsDictionary.ContainsKey(user))
            tweets = tweetsDictionary[user];
            var twitterService = new TwitterService();
            tweets = twitterService.GetTweets(user);
            tweetsDictionary.Add(user, tweets);

        // do something with tweets

So now, the TwitterService.GetTweets method only gets called the first time. On subsequent calls, the values stored from the Dictionary will be returned. Everything works as expected.

Counting Responsibilities

In the first version of the code, the only responsibility of MyService was to process tweets, and getting the tweets was straightforward. In the second version, which implements simple caching, another responsibility was added: the management of the cache.

To some, the management of the cache may not be a separate responsibility, but is instead a simple implementation detail of the "process tweets" requirement. But I do believe that it is a separate responsibility. Here is the way I think about it:

  • The implementation of caching is not directly related to the "process tweets" requirement. As we saw in the first version, the requirement can be satisfied even without caching.
  • Because of the point above, changes to the caching implementation should not affect the "process tweets" implementation (that is, the MyService class). But as the code stands right now, any changes to the caching implementation will change the MyService class.

Version Three

To better adhere to the SRP, we can create a separate class that takes care of the caching. Something like this:

public class TweetCache
    private static Dictionary<User, List<Tweet>> tweetsDictionary = new Dictionary<User, List<Tweet>>();

    public static List<Tweet> GetTweets(User user)
        List<Tweet> tweets = null;

        if (tweetsDictionary.ContainsKey(user))
            tweets = tweetsDictionary[user];
            var twitterService = new TwitterService();
            tweets = twitterService.GetTweets(user);
            tweetsDictionary.Add(user, tweets);

        return tweets;

And then, MyService can just make use of the TweetCache class:

public class MyService
    public void ProcessTweets(User user)
        var tweets = TweetCache.GetTweets(user);

        // do something with tweets

In this setup, changes to the caching implementation will only affect TweetCache. MyService will be unaffected.


In this post, we saw a simple example of a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle along with a possible solution. To keep things simple, the implemented solution is a helper class with a static method. There can be other solutions to the problem, however the main point of this post is to show that different responsibilities should belong to different classes.

About OJ

OJ Raqueño is a senior software developer specializing in business web applications. He has a passion for helping businesses grow through the use of software built with the best engineering practices.