AngularJS AJAX GET and POST Example with ASP.NET MVC JsonResult

A while back I blogged about Using JQuery AJAX GET with ASP.NET MVC JsonResult. This time, we will be talking about using AngularJS for making GET and POST methods using the $http service.

Server-Side Setup

Let's use an Employee class with a few properties:

public class Employee()
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

In the Home controller, let's add the following actions:

public ActionResult GetEmployee(int id)
    Employee john = new Employee
        Id = 1,
        FirstName = "John",
        LastName = "Smith"

    return Json(new { employee = john }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

public ActionResult GetEmployees()
    Employee john = new Employee
        Id = 1,
        FirstName = "John",
        LastName = "Smith"

    Employee jane = new Employee
        Id = 2,
        FirstName = "Jane",
        LastName = "Doe"

    List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>

    return Json(new { employees = employees }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

public ActionResult AddEmployee(Employee employee)
    return Json(new { });

So we have three actions: GetEmployee, GetEmployees, and AddEmployee:

  • GetEmployee takes an int parameter and returns a single employee.
  • GetEmployees takes no parameters and returns a list of employees.
  • AddEmployee takes an Employee parameter. It's also decorated with the [HttpPost] attribute.

We are also using the Json helper method in our return statement. This method converts objects into the JSON format before returning to the browser.

For the two GET methods, we are also passing in the JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet parameter. Without this, we will be unable to return JSON objects successfully.

Testing the Server-Side Setup

We can test the two GET methods even before we write the AngularJS code, by typing the url directly into the browser.

Let's start with the GetEmployee method. Set a breakpoint in the beginning of that method then run Visual Studio in Debug mode. Afterwards, type in the following url in your browser:


(Note: The port number might be different on your computer.)

After you type in that url and press Enter, you should immediately get taken to the breakpoint in Visual Studio. Additionally, if you inspect the value of the int id parameter, it should have the value of 1. That is because we used a querystring ?id=1 in the url.

Step through the method to the very end, and you should see the following in the browser:


When formatted, it looks like the following:


As you can see, the Employee class has been turned successfully into JSON data that can be used on the client side.

We can also test the GetEmployees method by typing in the following in the browser:


Again, depending on your settings, you may be using a different port number.

The result of that call would look like this:


Which looks like this when formatted:


This time, it returned two employees instead of one. It converted the List<Employee> into an array of employee JSON objects.

There's no easy way to test the AddEmployee POST method, so we will skip it for now. We will come back to it later when we are making the actual AngularJS calls. In the meantime, let's look at the client-side setup.

Client-Side Setup

We will be displaying the data we get from the GetEmployee and GetEmployees method. For the AddEmployee method, we will be getting the data from a form.

First, let's take a look at the JavaScript code we will be using, which includes the Angular controller:

(function () {
    var app = angular.module('app', []);

    app.controller('HomeCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) {
        $scope.employee = {};
        $scope.employees = [];
        $scope.newEmployee = {};

        $scope.getEmployee = function () {
            var params = {
                id: 1

            $http.get('/Home/GetEmployee', { params: params }).then(
                function (successResponse) {
                    $scope.employee =;
                function (errorResponse) {
                    // handle errors here

        $scope.getEmployees = function () {
                function (successResponse) {
                    $scope.employees =;
                function (errorResponse) {
                    // handle errors here

        $scope.addEmployee = function () {
            $'/Home/AddEmployee', $scope.newEmployee).then(
                function (successResponse) {
                function (errorResponse) {
                    // handle errors here

We are declaring a HomeCtrl controller, with three functions corresponding to the three methods on the server.

  • getEmployee corresponds to GetEmployee(int id). In the call to $http.get, we are providing the url, a params object, and success and error handlers. In the success handler, we are just assigning the $scope.employee variable to the data returned.
  • getEmployees. corresponds to GetEmployees(). In the call to $http.get we are providing a url, but no params object. We are also using success and error handlers. In the success handler, we are just assigning the $scope.employees variable to the data returned.
  • addEmployee corresponds to AddEmployee(Employee employee). This time we are using the $ call. We are also providing the url, the parameter, and success and error handlers.

The success and error handlers allow our code to react to what the server returns. If we are expecting a return value, we need to use the parameter of the success function handler, in this case, the successResponse. This parameter can be named anything you like. In the successResponse object, we need to drill down further to the data property in order to see the object that we first saw when we first tested the server-side code using the browser.

Now let's take a look at the HTML code:

<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="HomeCtrl">
    <h2>Get Employee</h2>
    <a href="" ng-click="getEmployee()">Get Employee</a>
    <p>Id: {{employee.Id}}</p>
    <p>First Name: {{employee.FirstName}}</p>
    <p>Last Name: {{employee.LastName}}</p>

    <h2>Get Employees</h2>
    <a href="" ng-click="getEmployees()">Get Employees</a>
    <div ng-repeat="employee in employees">
        <p>Id: {{employee.Id}}</p>
        <p>First Name: {{employee.FirstName}}</p>
        <p>Last Name: {{employee.LastName}}</p>

    <h2>Add Employee</h2>
    <form ng-submit="addEmployee()">
        Id: <input type="number" ng-model="newEmployee.Id" /><br />
        First Name: <input type="text" ng-model="newEmployee.FirstName" /><br />
        Last Name: <input type="text" ng-model="newEmployee.LastName" /><br />
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>

The HTML is divided into three sections to correspond again to our three methods:

  • The Get Employee section corresponds to the getEmployee function. Clicking on the link will call the getEmployee function, which will go to the server's GetEmployee method, return, and then display the returned employee data on the screen using the binding {{}} directives.
  • The Get Employees section corresponds to the getEmployees function. Clicking on the link will call the getEmployees function, which will go to the server's GetEmployees method, return, and then display the returned employees using the ng-repeat and binding {{}} directives.
  • The Add Employee section corresponds to the addEmployee function. This section makes use of a form and the ng-submit directive. When the form is submitted, the addEmployee function will be called, which will go to the server's AddEmployee method. The Employee parameter of that method should be populated with the values we put in the form.

Now the code is complete! Go ahead and run Visual Studio in debug mode again. Then, try out the Get Employee and Get Employees link. Also try putting values in the form and submitting it and checking the server method if the Employee object was successfully captured.


In this post we learned how to make HTTP GET and POST AJAX calls using AngularJS with ASP.NET MVC. I hope this helps you and good luck!

About OJ

OJ Raqueño is a senior software developer specializing in business web applications. He has a passion for helping businesses grow through the use of software built with the best engineering practices.