Init-only Properties

.NET 5 is out! And with it, C# 9, which adds a lot of new features to the language. In this post, I'm going to talk about one of my favorites, init-only properties.

Immutability Before C# 9

Before C# 9, we can make a class immutable by using getter-only auto properties together with a constructor whose arguments are used to populate those properties:

public class Product
    public Product(string name)
        Name = name;

    public string Name { get; }

This is an effective way for making classes immutable.

We cannot change the property's value after the class has been instantiated:

var product = new Product("Cool Product");

product.Name = "Cooler product"; // compile error

We even can't change it from within the class:

public class Product
    public Product(string name)
        Name = name;

    public string Name { get; }

    public void SomeMethod()
        Name = "Cooler product"; // compile error


That all works great; immutability is enforced. It has a couple of drawbacks though:

  • There has to be an appropriate constructor. Having a constructor is fine if there are just a few properties. But if there are a lot of properties, the code will tend to become unreadable.
  • We can't use object initialization syntax. Constructing an object via object initialization is typically more readable than constructing it via a constructor.

These drawbacks may discourage developers from writing immutable code in this manner.

Init-only Properties to the Rescue

C# 9 addresses these drawbacks by introducing init-only properties.

An init-only property is a special variant of the set accessor. It can only be called during object initialization.

Here's an example of the Product class which uses the init-only property:

public class Product
    public string Name { get; init; }

Notice that we are using the init accessor instead of the set accessor.

Now, in addition to using an explicit constructor, we have the option to instantiate an object using the familar object initialization syntax:

// We can use object initialization!
var product = new Product
    Name = "Cool product"

But in terms of immutability, the code works exactly the same way as it did before.

We still can't change the property's value after the class has been instantiated:

var product = new Product
    Name = "Cool product"

product.Name = "Cooler product"; // still a compile error

And we still can't change the property's value from within the class:

public class Product
    public string Name { get; init ; }

    public void SomeMethod()
        Name = "Cooler product"; // still a compile error


Making classes immutable leads to code that is easier to reason about. C# 9 helps developers write immutable classes by introducing init-only properties. Init-only properties make it possible to instantiate immutable classes using the familiar and readable object initialization syntax.

About OJ

OJ Raqueño is a senior software developer specializing in business web applications. He has a passion for helping businesses grow through the use of software built with the best engineering practices.